I admit, I didn't expect that Jews would vote for Obama in such
overwhelming numbers. It has been estimated by some pollsters that as many
as 78% of the Jews voted for Barack Hussein Obama in the last election.
Only the Blacks voted in greater numbers; almost 98%, for Obama.

I don't know how many Jews today support Israel, but I suspect about as
many as concern themselves with their history and the Holocaust while most
of the Jews alive today do not have much knowledge of their 2,000 year
history in the Diaspora nor were most of them around during the Nazi

And, there is a third factor - overwhelmingly Jews support Democrats.

Marc Stanley (chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council) in an
Op-Ed published by JTA in November 2008, wrote: "In fact, since 1972, when
exit polls were first instituted, the Republican nominee has averaged only
27 percent of the Jewish vote. In recent elections, the Republican nominee
has received even less, with Jewish support at 22 percent for Bush in 2004
and 19 percent in 2000, and 16 percent for Bob Dole in 1996. In 2006, the
Jewish support of Democratic congressional candidates reached 87 percent."

Even Jews like Dershowitz, who fancies himself a Centrist Democrat but has
written mediocre books and articles supporting Israel (though considered
right wing by extreme left wing and anti-Zionist Jews, i.e. Finklestein,
Chomsky et al) - is opposed to Israeli policies which have been so
important to their survival, a halt to natural expansion of the
"so-called" settlements and Israel's hawkish governments, which would also
include the Labor wing with regard to military and security decisions.

Many Jews I have talked to doubt the accuracy of the 78% polling estimate.
I doubt the accuracy of the election. The caucuses were rigged. There is
little doubt that if the truth about Obama was ever disclosed by a media
willing (and able) to report the truth about Obama he may not have won the
election at all. I don't need to go into all the reasons for my views
about this here; I have done so before (see TheCrypt at

The choice should have been to vote for the hero, not the zero. Obama's
record is capricious and disgraceful; his friends antisemitic and
anti-Israel - and Barack Hussein Obama is now on the job in training. OJT
doesn't cut it in this job - and his words are an affront to Jews and a
betrayal of the American partnership with the only democracy in the Middle
East, Israel.

For older American Jews it just still about Israel, but for most of
them who are younger Jews it was not about Israel.

In Commentary (http://www.commentarymagazine.com/), "Why Jews Are Voting
Obama," Shmuel Rosner - 10.22.2008 wrote:

"Commentators have suggested that Jews' concern for Israel may well
serve to diminish their enthusiasm for the Democratic candidate.
Indeed, Jews do care about the Israel-Palestine conflict more than
other Americans. Yet, with that said, the Israel issue ranked 8th
out of 15 issues in importance as a presidential election
consideration for Jewish respondents. Aside from the economy (a
prime issue of concern for the vast majority of respondents), ahead
of Israel on Jewish voters' minds were such matters as health care,
gas prices and energy, taxes, and education. Ranking just below
Israel in importance for Jewish respondents were appointments to
the Supreme Court and the environment. In fact, when asked to name
their top three issues, just 15% of Jewish respondents chose Israel
as one of the three, and these were heavily Orthodox Jews."

He continues, "While their political views tending in the liberal
direction help explain their support for Obama, and their concern for
Israel may actually pull them in the other direction, political views
alone cannot explain their high levels of Democratic vote intention.
Neither can the major socio-demographic variables. Rather, their vote
intentions are a product of their political identities - their
long-standing association with the liberal camp and the Democratic Party."

Obviously many Jews have not been thinking about the implications of their
vote for Obama. They assimilate and become too comfortable. No matter that
antisemitism is on the increase and their vote for Obama was a betrayal of
Israel just as Obama is demonstrating his incompetence as president and
disregard for Israeli security. He placates and appeases enemies and
imposing his will on Israel to give up land for peace is a prescription
for the destruction of the State of the Jews, not their survival.

There may have been other reasons for Jews to vote for a Democrat, but
Obama wasn't one of them. Obama is a pretender to the job. But lest we
forget, George W. Bush was not so terrific for Israel either. He was the
first president to declare a two state solution and to call on Israel to
stop settlement activity. It is not certain that any candidate would be
good for the Jews, but Obama would be far worse; just look at who he has
associated with, Jew-haters from Ayers, Rev Wright, General Merrill
McPeak, Rashid Khalidi and dozens of others. You can know a lot about a
person by the company he keeps. Having Jewish advisers doesn't make up for
(nor cancel out) antisemitic mentors, friends and supporters. He didn't
throw them under the bus; he just doesn't mention them now. It will be the
Jews he throws under the bus. His style might be compelling but his
actions are ignorant of Israel's existential risks and a substantial
disadvantage to Israel's ability to survive.

Joseph Farah in "Between the Line" at WorldNet Daily says, "It's the
1930s all over again. This time, it's the enlightened liberal voices of
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama who are telling Jews where they can live,
how they can live and how far they must bend if they want to live at all."

He is right; it is the 30s all over again.......

Farah also says,
    "Think about what I am saying: It is the official policy of the
    Palestinian Authority that all Jews must get off the land! Why is the
    United States supporting the creation of a new, racist, anti-Semitic
    hate state? Why is the civilized world viewing this as a prescription
    for peace in the region? Why is this considered an acceptable idea?"

Joseph Farah writes:
"I hope my Jewish friends remember this well. Many of them voted for
Barack Obama. Many of them voted for Hillary Clinton. These are not
your friends. These are the same kinds of people who turned away ships
of Jewish refugees from Germany in the 1940s. These are the same kinds
of people who appeased Adolf Hitler at Munich. These are the same
kinds of people who made the reformation of the modern state of Israel
so difficult."

He continues, "No more ethnic cleansing. No more official anti-Semitism
accepted. No more Jew-bashing. No more telling Jews where they can live,
how they can - and if they can live."

Obama refuses to disclose his birth certificate (which is not a
certificate of live birth - not the forged document which appeared on his
website). Where are his college records and his Illinois Senate records.
What do you think Obama is hiding? It seems clear to me.

His grandmother said she was present at his birth in Kenya. Why is she now
guarded and not being allowed to talk to reporters or investigators? Why
has Barack Hussein Obama spent over a million dollars for just to conceal
the truth about his part? How could he travel to Indonesia in 1981 if he
only had an American passport - when it was impossible to travel in
Indonesia on an American passport?

Barack Hussein Obama refuses to release the following documents:

1. Occidental College records
2. Columbia College records
3. Columbia Thesis
4. Harvard College records
5. Selective Service Registration
6. Medical records
7. Illinois State Senate schedule
8. Your Illinois State Senate records
9. Law practice client list
10. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate
11. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth
12. Record of baptism
    -- what else is he hiding? --

(also see excellent source and open discussion at:

Some people call Andy Martin (author of the book, Obama: the Man Behind
The Mask, a nutcase. Some agree with that assessment; others say it is
because he asks tough questions. Andy Martin at ContrarianCommentary.Com
is saying that Barack Obama "owes me an apology." Does he? Andy writes,
(June 3, 2009) - "Almost five years ago I wrote the first stories focusing
attention on Barack Obama's family roots. I pointed out that Obama's
father and grandfather were Muslims. Under traditional Islamic law, Obama
himself was therefore considered a Muslim." [ibid]

See: http://www.pr-inside.com/barack-obama-owes-me-an-apology-r1294670.htm

"Islam is the polar opposite of Judaism. Under Judaism, religion
descends through the mother. Under Islam, the father transmits
religion. Obama's thugs responded with a firestorm of smears and attacks
on me.

(See www.thenation.com/doc/20071112/hayes/single)

"Obama called my stories about his religious "heritage" smears, and said,
"Who, my father? Didn't know him. He was an agnostic." But as Tapper at
ABC news points out, Obama has now become "President Muslim," bragging
about his Muslim dad:" [ibid]

Hank Roth

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