"Craig A. Berry" <craig.a.be...@gmail.com> writes:

> You can't spell shebang without the "sh". The .PL files for the
> utilities are primarily to generate shebang emulation on non-Unix
> systems.  Yes, on unixy systems, what they do will reduce to just
> editing the shebang line, but on non-Unix systems they prepend the value
> of $Config{startperl}, which contains a native command to invoke perl
> and pass along its parameters, and then they add a suffix to the script
> name so the script will be recognized as a command by the command
> processor (.bat on Windows, .com on VMS).

Ah!  Thank you.  I hadn't understood that.

I'll re-add the .PL wrappers (with better documentation of why they're
required) directly in podlators and put out a new release.  Then hopefully
core can just use the same wrappers that come with the podlators CPAN

Russ Allbery (ea...@eyrie.org)              <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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