Right it is just HOW MANY TIMES does he have to send in the CLA before it is ACK'd?
Nick Burch wrote:
On Fri, 4 May 2007, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
Marc  Johnson was an original POI committer/project founder.  For
various reasons the list stopped sending to him and stopped accepting
his posts (I had the same problem).  At some point his CVS access became
disabled (I suspect someone was fixing group permissions or something)
and after a good while he lost his password.  At one point it was said
that he hadn't sent his CLA, this was untrue (I was told this at once
point as well).  He sent another copy again.   His account was still not

The infrastructure guys tell me they can't re-enable Marc's account until
Jim's list [1] shows Marc as having an on-file CLA. As soon as the list
shows an on-file CLA, we can get the account re-enabled and get Marc's
passwords reset.

Probably the simplest way to get the list updated is for Marc to email
through a new CLA, which can go straight on file, rather than trying to
track what happened to the old one. I've emailed you off-list with the
details of what Marc needs to do, can you pass that on?


[1] http://people.apache.org/~jim/committers.html

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