On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 12:42:38PM -0700, Paul B. Henson wrote:
> I'm afraid I don't read your language :(, but I believe I'm getting the
> same problem you are:
> postfix/smtpd: warning: problem talking to server Connection 
> timed out
> postfix/smtpd: warning: timeout on while reading input 
> attribute name
> The rejection is a temporary failure, the same we give for gray listing, so
> I haven't been overly concerned. Usually there are only a couple of dozen
> instances of this problem per day, and I write it off as collateral damage.
> Every now and again, the server seems to completely go out to lunch and
> there are thousands if not tens of thousands of instances of this problem.
> On those days my motivation to fix it increases, but I still haven't
> followed up on it.

Which version?
Any warnings, error messages in advance?

    Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
    Munich, Germany

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