tim_howells_1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I certainly have no clue what you are talking about, as usual.  An excellent 
source re that conflict is Robert I. Friedman's biography of Meir Kahane (The 
False Prophet, pg. 91 - 95).  Kahane was in the middle of the fight.  The 
source of the conflict was indeed the fact that more and more jews were moving 
into inner city teaching jobs that had previously been held primarily by 
blacks. If you have any facts to the contrary (ha ha ha) please enlighten us.
 Tim Howells

Tim, it's unseemly to adopt a smug attitude when you haven't any idea what you 
are talking about. Jews were most definitely NOT "moving into inner city 
teaching jobs that had previously been held primarily by blacks," for the 
simple fact that the main issue is that hardly ANY teaching jobs in New York 
City--including in the inner city, were held by blacks. 
This very complex situation arose in a context where Jews were the dominant 
force in the Board of Education and the Ford Foundation sponsored a community 
control experiment precisely to address the LACK of Black teachers and 
community input of inner city education. Many at the time consider the whole 
debacle as one self consciously instigated by McGeorge Bundy and the Ford 
Foundation, which funded some of the worst opportunists in the Black community 
and set in motion a conflict that pitted ultra nationalist Blacks against a 
largely white union whose opportunist leader exaggerated and exasperated 
supposed anti-Semitism in the Black community. End result--a weakening of both 
the union and a decimation of the community control movement--typical Ford 
Foundation divide and conquer policy (this was in 1968).

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