HOL4's Holmake tool uses a fork/exec idiom to run scripts in parallel (and to 
monitor their output file descriptors).  Under 5.8 this code is causing signal 
11 failures (segmentation faults), as reported by a few users, and apparent 
also on runs on Travis such as 
https://travis-ci.org/HOL-Theorem-Prover/HOL/jobs/515996149 (It is apparent 
from the related Travis pages that the same sources are running to completion 
perfectly with 5.7.1.)

The code for doing the fork/exec stuff is visible at


This code also works under mlton (although eventually does cause "out of 
filedescriptor" syscall failures because mlton won't garbage collect my fds 
after they stop getting used), so I do feel as if the code should work.

The failures all happen when Holmake is first run in this mode.  When forced to 
run single-threaded with its -j1 option, which makes it use OS.Process.system 
underneath, Holmake can work.


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