On 2024-04-15 01:28, Ian McWilliam wrote:

vfs objects = acl_tdb

is the issue. Not enabling the acl_tbd vfs object allow files and folders to be 
deleted again. I suspect this has been broken on OpenBSD for some time as I 
have it disabled on all my other samba instances where it was once enabled.

Should we add a note to both state and current readme saying the vfs objects 
are essentially broken on OpenBSD?

Ian McWilliam

Hi Ian,

Does this apply to *all* VFS objects with Samba 4.19.6 ?

I have a server configured with several VFS objects to provide a share
for some Apple iOS/macOS clients.  In the config file I have:

        . . .
        vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr xattr_tdb

...after this I configure some of the VFS objects (ie: fruit: etc.).

I had *thought* this was being honoured by Samba as I did not seeing any
error output regarding the VFS objects ... but has Samba been silently
ignoring them ?


- J

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