Martin Strand wrote:
 Hi all.
 I'm looking to implement an auto-response mechanism which:
 - only sends responses to senders who pass SPF checks
 - responds from certain virtual aliases as well as certain virtual users
 - doesn't respond to mailing lists
 - finds the response message/subject through mysql
 - supports per-recipient charset (iso-8859-15 or utf-8)
- doesn't respond several times to the same sender within a certain
time period

Searching the list archive and Google turned up yaa as the best
alternative, but it seems to have disappeared :(

 Are there any other good options?
I suppose I could write something myself, but this feels like a fairly
common thing to do so I was hoping someone else had already done it.

Try managesieve service and pysieved:



Avelsieve: Sieve Mail Filters Plugin for Squirrelmail:

Plugin for Roundcube WebMail:

Horde WebMail support managesieve too (via Ingo).
Thunderbird has plugin for managesieve too.

Best regards.

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

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