On Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 04:21:01PM +0100, Santiago Romero wrote:

>> Please wait for an updated patch, we believe we have identified the
>> cause and reproduced the symptoms (in that order). I have a candidate
>> patch, but I expect Wietse will send an updated more polished version
>> in the not too distant future.
> Ok, I'll wait for it. I'm going to roll back to "ubuntu packages" (I 
> already applied the patch and was testing it).
>> The original 2.5.x code is correct for "oqmgr", but not for "qmgr"
>> (aka "nqmgr"), which requires additional internal state adjustments
>> when destinations are blocked and unblocked
> I've changed to "oqmgr" in master.cf for the machine that uses that special 
> "slow" transport. Would I notice any difference in postfix behaviour 
> because of using "oqmgr" instead of "qmgr" (less performance or something 
> like that)?

With "oqmgr", "list" messages with a lot (multiple thousands to perhaps
hundreds of thousands) of recipients can dominate the queue, and delay
small messages. Also if you don't define "relay_domains" correctly,
on a high-volume border gateway outbound "smtp" traffic can "starve"
inbound "smtp" traffic when both use the same transport, especially
if outbound traffic exhibits high latency.

    - Avoid mixing (very large) "list" mail with regular traffic in
      the same queue with "oqmgr"

    - Avoid delivering inbound/outbound traffic via the same transport.

    - Avoid outbound congestion caused by lack of recipient validation.


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