Am 05.11.2013 00:50, schrieb Jim Wright:
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Ian Evans <> wrote:
>> I've read tutorials and the backscatter/local recipient pages and my postfix 
>> is still sending out bounce message instead of just dropping the 
>> connections. I want to be a good netizen so want to nip this in the bud.
> Normally, bouncing undeliverable messages is the proper behavior for a good 
> netizen.


you never ever have to bounce - not for incoming mail
you must not if you won't get blacklisted for good reasons

> Why are you being rude and dropping the connection?  

he meant REJECT and not simply drop the connection

> Doing this to a properly configured mail server will just cause them to retry 
> the delivery

not in case of a 5xx status code

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