Am 05.11.2013 12:03, schrieb Jose Borges Ferreira:
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 4:43 AM, LuKreme <> wrote:
>>> Normally, bouncing undeliverable messages is the proper behavior for a good 
>>> netizen.
>> *NEVER* Bounce. Ever.
>> Reject, yes. Bounce? Absolutely never. If you bounce a message to me, you 
>> get put on the deepest darkest shitlist imaginable where you *never* get 
>> removed.
> Your server, Your rules but don't try to influence people with bad ideas.

if a server is sending bounces instead reject messages it is wrong configured

> Backscatter is done with bounces. Not all bounces are backscatter.

the one and only reason why a bounce is acceptable is to *your* users beause
the remote MTA rejected a message and after accept a incoming message the LDA
does not accept it because quotas whichthe MTA can not check for

* if you accept a message and the RCPT is unknown -> config error
* if you accept a message and use a post-queue spamfilter you must not bounce
  avoid such filters

there is no other valid reason accept a incoming message and after
that send a bounce - that's the Microsoft Exchange way accepting and
then send bounces "user unknown", but this is unacceptable behavior

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