On 03/22/2011 02:23 PM, drew wrote:

So for now, Drew has a link for an older snapshot of the DVD.  As soon
as the new install files are completely download, I will have him
download whatever files/folders he would need to update his local folder
and have him build the new DVD and place it on his "portal".  When
everything is done on my end and I have the ISO file of the 3.3.2 DVD, I
can upload it to someone's server for the people with TDF and
LibreOffice-Box to have access to it "locally" to their server system.
Hi Tim,

Well, I understand your line of thought and it's interesting.

In actually I don't see it as a usage pattern that would benefit many
people, but it worth talking about for sure.

In my opinion, and for the moment at least, it's a bit bothersome to me
from this one perspective - there are a few us right now updating and
editing files, we are working against this one common set of files.
Given our setup right now that is the only way to keep us all in sync -
and I am doing daily backups of changed files, so there is at least a
poor mans version control system.

Right now having a second set of files that are supposedly in sync also
just adds to our chances for banging over top of each others work, at
least given the active level of change going on.

I'm sure you got Jeff's mail from this morning regarding the User
Documentation and the updates he will be making today to the files on
your server.

Beyond that:
- all the files on the disc are now referenced from the HtML pages
Now that there is a WANT to have all the .odt files for the versions that had only .pdf version on the document page. I have download all the .odt files I found and now I need to get them referenced on that page. Maybe in the next day or so.

I looked at the "Windows Only" DVD and as I looked at the text in a few pages, I noticed a few misspellings.
Deveoped by members of the LibreOffice community in North America.
Developed - the "l" is missing. I have some other text I have been working on, but have not uploaded it, yet. Has to stop to deal with lunch and with some instructions to me new aide. Will upload those typos edits soon.

- ALL pages needing translation from German to English are done (Clean
first drat at a minimum) and ALL the HTML has been scrubbed free of any
googl-ism garbage (I think?)

We took the German version and made a working English one.

If LibreOffice-Box would like to take our English translation and use it towards their English version, I say go ahead and do it.

Open items are I think down to
- Templates, in the zip files - final vetting.
- Finish work to html files for minor layout issues

I am currently uploading all the new files to the online install
Ok - great.

So if I could just follow up from my email of this morning. This is a
good time to get the folks on the US list to review what we have and
give some input/feeback o some of the inclusion questions.

I just really think this archive directory idea is making extra work
right now and I would rather see us focus on getting what is before us
already finished.



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