Since you use the word 'star' here, I'm assuming we are talking about
Ptolemy classic here, right?

has some hints that mention the Fork star and the MPHIter iterator.

Under Ptolemy II, you can read from each channel with TypedIOPort.get(i)

See the AddSubtract actor for details.


Christopher Hylands    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Ptolemy/Gigascale Silicon Research Center     US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739           Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (510)526-4010                           (Office: 400A Cory)

"Ian.Jerram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi, 
> On a star with a multi input port, is it possible to directly access the instan
>     ce of which input from the multi input actually fired the star? 
> (For instance if a multi input is connected to 4 sources, I would like to get a
>      1, 2, 3 or 4 corresponding to the firing chain). 
> Thanks 
> Ian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ian Jerram
> Sensors Group                       DDI: +44 (0)118 923 8323              
> Thales Research Ltd.             Fax: +44 (0)118 923 8399
> Worton Grange Ind. Est.,      
> Reading RG2 0SB         
> UK                                 

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