
  I am trying to install "Ptolemy Classic" on our unix machines at
"University Of Massachusetts at Amherst". I am having a problem installing
it correctly. 

 I have downloaded the tar files, untared them and also set the
environment variables specified. but when I am running the following
commands I am getting the following errors:

1) make bootstrap; make install; or any other make...it says it cannot
find .obj/user/home/ptolemy/bin/ptarch
or some other directories like lib, src, bin etc...

2) pigi; It says that it cannot find pigiRpC and also it cannot find

       I tried to install it on solaris machines. I tried to built it from
both "Prebuilt binaries" and also from "Scratch"....but I am getting the
same error.

       Can you guide me what the problem can be?


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