
While in the "setActions" field of a transition in FSM models one can
use ahierarchical destination (like state.parameter or even
state.actor.parameter) it is impossible to use a hierarchical source.
Sometimes it just causes an
inconvinience of having a doubling parameter in the top model (i.e. it
is impossible to write state.parameter=state.parameter + 1, one ought to

have  Parameter in the top model, e.g. TopPar, first increment it,
TopPar=TopPar+1, and when set, state.parameter=TopPar).

But there are more serious drawbacks, because of this.
As an output of my SDF refinement all I needed was the final result of
the simultaion. I wanted to use a Recorder actor in that refinement to
able to access the final result in the top model by setting the source
in the
"setActions" field to be something like: "state.Recorder.getLatest(0)".
This does not work, the message I got was that "state ID is not known".

Therefore I have two questions.

First, whether the possibility to use a
hierarchical source is going to be implemented. This was one of the
issues of a message sent to the list two years ago. You can find it here


Second, maybe, somebody could
advice another way to get only the last result of a refinement (with an
SDF director in it with vectorization factor set not to 1)


Michail Chavkin

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