To speed up type comparisons, the TypeLattice keeps a cache of comparison information in a 2D array. The 2D array is preallocated in the TypeLattice class of size Type.HASH_MAX. You have to change that value when adding a new type. (or simply implement the getTypeHash method to return HASH_INVALID (as the documentation suggests).

Note, however that it is not necessary to add new types to the type lattice, as long as they are not comparable with existing types (other than UNKNOWN and GENERAL. Simply having the type class is enough to get the type system to check types for you. There is an example of how to do this in data/type/test/


At 06:49 PM 11/4/2003 -0800, Efrat Jaeger wrote:

I'm adding a new type to; a database connection type which would be passed between actors in a workflow to keep the DB Connection variable.

I've changed the following files:
TypeLattice - added nodeweight and edges (to general and unknown).
Constants - added the new type to the hash table.
BaseType - added the type in a similar manner as the other types.

I also created a DBConToken class which contains all the methods as ObjectToken (changed for this purpose).

I get an exception: ArrayIndexOutOfBound in the compare method of TypeLattice (exception 14). I saw that this exception occurs for MatrixTokens (which isn't the case here). Please let me know if there is anything else I should change in order to prevent this exception (I assume that this type should be added in a similar way to ObjectType, since it's a private case of it). I tried to solve it by changing the ConversionsUtility file as well, but it wasn't very helpful.

Thank you,


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