I'm adding a new type to BaseType.java; a database connection type which would be passed between actors in a workflow to keep the DB Connection variable.
I've changed the following files:
TypeLattice - added nodeweight and edges (to general and unknown).
Constants - added the new type to the hash table.
BaseType - added the type in a similar manner as the other types.
I also created a DBConToken class which contains all the methods as ObjectToken (changed for this purpose).
I get an exception: ArrayIndexOutOfBound in the compare method of TypeLattice (exception 14). I saw that this exception occurs for MatrixTokens (which isn't the case here). Please let me know if there is anything else I should change in order to prevent this exception (I assume that this type should be added in a similar way to ObjectType, since it's a private case of it). I tried to solve it by changing the ConversionsUtility file as well, but it wasn't very helpful.
Thank you,

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