I use ptxdist + oselas BSP for the Phytec PXA270.

I need to have a real time SSP interrupt in 16 bit spi mode.
Sometimes, my SPI handler is delayed of 25µs to 170µs. It seen that is 
the delay  PXA Timer tick that can be itnerrupted (SA_INTERRUPT option 
on the timer 0 handler ).

I suppose that that is due to the fact the kernel is only compile in 
PREMPT and is not a true real time kernel , but 170µs seem to be very 
long time for the timer interrupt ...
My kernel is is a Linux phyCORE-PXA270 2.6.17-pcm027-3 #3 PREEMPT

Is-it normal that the irq PXA Timer tick can take up to 170µs ?

Can you advise me to patch the ptxdist / oselas PXA270 kernel to have 
real time interrupt ?


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