Juergen Beisert wrote:
> Gary,
> On Dienstag, 11. November 2008, Gary Thomas wrote:
>> Juergen Beisert wrote:
>>> On Dienstag, 11. November 2008, Gary Thomas wrote:
>>>> Index: rules/canutils.in
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> --- rules/canutils.in   (revision 9080)
>>>> +++ rules/canutils.in   (working copy)
>>>> @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
>>>>  menuconfig CANUTILS
>>>>         tristate
>>>>         prompt "canutils                      "
>>>> -       select KERNEL
>>>>         help
>>>>           The canutils package contains tools to configure
>>>>           and test the Socket CAN framework.
>>> Does it also work for you, if you do a "ptxdist clean kernel && ptxdist
>>> targetinstall canutils"?
>>> KERNEL should be kept active, because its header files are needed.
>> Builds fine for me without KERNEL (which gets in my way because
>> I use a totally separate kernel source tree)
> So it seems your are having an already built kernel around in your BSP?
> Because the canutils.make contains these lines:
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Prepare
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [...]
> $(STATEDIR)/canutils.prepare:
>         @$(call targetinfo)
>         @$(call clean, $(CANUTILS_DIR)/config.cache)
>         cd $(CANUTILS_DIR) && \
>                 $(CANUTILS_PATH) $(CANUTILS_ENV) \
>                 CPPFLAGS="-I${KERNEL_DIR}/include $${CPPFLAGS}" \
>                 ./configure $(CANUTILS_AUTOCONF)
>         @$(call touch)
> Here the "${KERNEL_DIR}" is used.

${KERNEL_DIR} is not set in my configuration, so this ends up
just as "... -I/include ..."  It doesn't seem to hurt.

That said, I'd like to understand how I can "play by the rules".
Assume that I have a totally local kernel tree - how can I use
this?  Also assume that I don't [necessarily] need/want ptxdist
to bother building my kernel.

How can I configure things to work in this way?


Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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