On Fri, Jul 01, 2016 at 08:33:29AM +0200, Michael Olbrich wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 06:08:39PM +0200, Clemens Gruber wrote:
> > There is only one longstanding issue, which is probably a ptxdist
> > problem but it is occuring during the toolchain build as well:
> > The problem seems to be that some _MD5 lines are removed from the config
> > during clean or at other stages of the build and are then missing if
> > built again.
> > After ptxdist clean, only PTXCONF_GLIBC_MD5="..." remains and I have to
> > manually add all other variations for the build to succeed.
> > 
> > I also experienced this problem when building gdbserver in my BSP:
> > I have to manually add a PTXCONF_GDBSERVER_MD5="" line for ptxdist
> > targetinstall gdbserver --update-md5 to succeed. It gets removed by
> > ptxdist again later on. Only PTXCONF_GDB_MD5=".." remains and if I now
> > enter ptxdist clean gdbserver && ptxdist targetinstall gdbserver, the
> > build fails again, until I add PTXCONF_GDBSERVER_MD5=".." to the
> > ptxconfig.
> > 
> > Can you reproduce this?
> You're saying, that PTXdist modifies the ptxconfig when you run 'ptxdist
> clean gdbserver'? I've never seen anything like this. Can you create a
> minimal BSP that has this problem and send it to me?

No, it's as follows:

I think it only appears if I for example change the GDB version of the
BSP. For example, just change your GDB version in the BSP to 7.11.1.
Then run ptxdist clean gdb gdbserver and ptxdist go, which stops with:
ptxdist: error: Wrong md5sum for 'gdbserver'

Nothing wrong so far.

So I run ptxdist go --update-md5 and after that, the error I meant,
sed: couldn't open temporary file
/usr/local/lib/ptxdist-2016.06.0/rules/sedx2aZZd: Permission denied
ptxdist: error: Could not update md5sum for 'gdbserver': GDBSERVER_MD5
not found

Then I have to add GDBSERVER_MD5="" and run ptxdist go --update-md5
again, which works.

After the build finished, the GDBSERVER_MD5 is still in place.
But the next time I go into ptxdist menu, even if I change nothing, when
exiting, I am asked if I want to save my new configuration and after
that, the GDBSERVER_MD5 entry vanishes.

Please try above steps with anyone of your BSPs, I don't think it
depends upon anything special in the BSP.


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