Hey Yves,

Great stuff :)

2009/4/28 Yves Raimond <yves.raim...@gmail.com>:
> Hello!
> We just released a new version of BBC Programmes [1] with some nice
> RDF for segments of programmes. I thought it would be interesting to
> post it here, as it makes a nice new arrow in the linked data cloud,
> from BBC Programmes to BBC Music (and from there to DBpedia).
> Here are some example RDF documents:
> Segments corresponding to a track being played, linking to the
> programmes in which this segment happened:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p002d79n.rdf
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p002rpkp.rdf
> The segmentation of a programme:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00j8dvj.rdf
> This should be working for all Radio 2 / 6 music programmes. Further
> services will be handled soon.
> Also, content negotiation is coming! We finally got the approval, and
> even if it is hacky mod_rewrite based content negotiation, it should
> work. (Btw, why are the W3C recipes all mentioning mod_rewrite as a
> way to do content negotiation? AFAIK it is impossible to do proper
> conneg with it (handling of q values, etc.)).

That's correct. If they still mention this approach for doing conneg,
then the W3C recipes (assuming you mean the ones for publishing
vocabs) are outdated and need rewriting. I was under the impression
that this was going to happen, but I guess it hasn't yet.



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