Hi Nicholas,

I'm a bit partial to Chemical Elements because the examples must be complete, 
transparent and not founded on an electrical engineering world view of fungible 
"currency" elements.  Airports appeal too because IATA is running out of codes 
in their unlinked scheme.

These pages may be helpful for World Factbook-ish projects.  Harmonizing 
encoding of URL's to collate membership relations is not as easy as it sounds, 
and the results are delightfully unreachable other ways.

Good Luck,

----- Original Message -----
From: Nicholas Humfrey <n...@aelius.com>
To: Linking Open Data <public-lod@w3.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 8:08 AM
Subject: Creating a complete LOD example


I have created quite number of examples using EasyRdf:

But I would like to create a more complete real-world example, demonstrating 
how to publish Linked Data, as part of a PHP website. However I am not sure 
what the subject of the example should be!

- A subject that people will easily understand
- A finite number of entities in the domain (in the range of 50-500)
- An existing vocabulary/ontology for that domain
- Preferable to already have some kind of identifier

Ideas so far:
- Chemical Elements
- Countries of the World (already covered by World Factbook)
- British Monarchy
- Stations on the London Underground
- Airports

Technologies that I plan to use:
- EasyRdf
- Slim Framework
- SPARQL Querying
- Turtle
- SPARQL Graph Store HTTP Protocol
- Twitter Bootstrap
- PHPUnit tests
- Some form of visualisation (Graphviz/Maps)

Any suggestions?



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