Sounds good, Nick.
And thanks for all your efforts - it is a great tool.

Do you have a "complete real-world example, demonstrating how to" consume 
"Linked Data, as part of a PHP website".
If not, wouldn't be good if your publishing example played well with a plan for 
such an example?
(There is a lot of publishing going on, but very little consuming?)

So you would need to take cognisance of what the consuming example would be 
when choosing the publishing.

So some tecchy things like:
Other existing data sources *in RDF* to consume.
Some only Linked Data, and maybe some with only SPARQL endpoint.
Interesting Linked Data URIs to link to.
More than one ontology on the same subject (yes, I really mean that!)
Linking to non-Linked Data sources (yes, I really mean that!) - a site like 
LinkedIn, imdb, amazon, ...

And indications on the subject topic:
Geo is always great - people get excited about seeing things on maps, even when 
it is worthless.
Make some of the data private? - Show how to link my private data with public 
data would confront some misconceptions on the meaning of "Open".

The suggestion of Monarchy is quite close to something that helps me manage my 
genealogy (some of which I would want private), although that might be too 
mainstream and comes with lots of competitive systems.
Music and entertainment always excites - helping me publish my interests (with 
a private option?).
And then the structure to begin meshing that with public data (I think the BBC 
has some of that!), with mapping of course.
That is a similar structure to the genealogy and many other things.

Maybe this is all more complicated and a bigger project than you meant, but my 
2d worth.

Of course, if you want any help from the world, please tell me.
It would be great if you used one of them as one of the Linked Data sources 
(they do do Linked Data).
And if you wanted one of your own for the exercise, that would be fine.


On 21 Oct 2012, at 14:08, Nicholas Humfrey <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have created quite number of examples using EasyRdf:
> But I would like to create a more complete real-world example, demonstrating 
> how to publish Linked Data, as part of a PHP website. However I am not sure 
> what the subject of the example should be!
> Requirements:
> - A subject that people will easily understand
> - A finite number of entities in the domain (in the range of 50-500)
> - An existing vocabulary/ontology for that domain
> - Preferable to already have some kind of identifier
> Ideas so far:
> - Chemical Elements
> - Countries of the World (already covered by World Factbook)
> - British Monarchy
> - Stations on the London Underground
> - Airports
> Technologies that I plan to use:
> - PHP
> - EasyRdf
> - Slim Framework
> - SPARQL Querying
> - Turtle
> - SPARQL Graph Store HTTP Protocol
> - Twitter Bootstrap
> - PHPUnit tests
> - Some form of visualisation (Graphviz/Maps)
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> nick.

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