
I recently created a new PA module (module-log-pcm) which is able to log PCM 
samples from any source/sink and its corresponding outputs/inputs. For testing 
audio quality, checking signal processing or verifying the right implementation 
of a sound device mixed in PA, application fields are many. One just needs to 
give a parameter list depending on what is wished to be logged. During the 
process, an audio tree, or parts of it, is probed and logged for post-treatment 
purposes. For design needs, sources and sinks are designated by "ends" and 
source outputs/sink inputs by "ports".

Module-log-pcm's main characteristics are :

- Core principles : given a source or a sink name, a working source output used 
only for log is created and plugged (to the sink.monitor in case of a sink). 
PCM samples are handled in the push callback and can be redirected to any log 
device. For ports (SO/SI), the only information available is the connected 
sink/source and the index. As a result, hooks in the pulsecore have been 
necessary to capture PCM chunks, before resampling for sink inputs and after 
resampling for source outputs.

- Choice between a local or remote target : this functionnality uses pa_object 
object-oriented library. Depending if the log is saved in a wave file or 
written to any other type of file descriptor (type of target), a "serializer" 
implementation does the logging of PCM samples. Each serializer 
(local-file-serializer or remote-device-serializer) is defined within 
PA_DEFINE_PUBLIC_CLASS that allows a kind of function polymorphism. Wave files 
are named per end or port names, e.g. "sink_name.wav" and for ports, the index 
is appended to the log file name, e.g. for index 2 :  "sink_name_2.wav".
For local log : libsndfile is used to log in wav files in the same manner as 
pacat. A directory is specified in parameter, where all the wav files can be 
For remote log (in opposite to local log..) : a header is attached at the 
beginning of the log file, containing sample spec informations, signal strength 
(volume ?), source/sink name...

- Log of sources/sinks with or without their outputs/inputs :
All or none of the ports can be logged by means of an option specified at the 
module loading : trace_ports=<yes/no> .

- Management of put, move, unlink events :
If an end is declared to be logged, it will be monitored whatever its creation 
comes after or before the loading of module-log-pcm, and for move events, a new 
log file will be created after each move to help distinguish the samples. The 
"move" prefix along with a number is appended to the log file name. Also when a 
device is unlinked, its corresponding log file will be closed.

- Support of most of the data sample formats :
Data formats like PA_SAMPLE_S24_32NE can also be logged, but a realignment of 
the 24 bits on 32 bits is necessary to ensure correct audio restitution in a 
wave file.

These are examples of logging different sinks/sources to a target :

Log specified sinks and one source with their ports, in wav files to directory 
wav_log_files :
Load module-log-pcm 
sources_to_log=source.record trace_ports=yes 

We shall get wave files like these : 

Log specified sinks and sources (note the .monitor is in the list of sources) 
without their ports to a remote device :
Load module-log-pcm sinks_to_log=alsa_output.intel_mfld_msic_audio.earphone 
sources_to_log=sink.hsandihf.monitor,source.record trace_ports=no 

The development might look a bit ackward and certainly still needs 
modifications but it macan be seen as the first stone of experimental logging..
Please feel free to comment.


Vincent Becker (1):
  Log module: new module to log PCM chunks.

 src/Makefile.am                            |   11 +-
 src/modules/log/local-file-serializer.c    |  181 +++++
 src/modules/log/local-file-serializer.h    |   47 ++
 src/modules/log/log-pcm-serializer.c       |   50 ++
 src/modules/log/log-pcm-serializer.h       |   52 ++
 src/modules/log/module-log-pcm.c           | 1113 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/modules/log/pcm-logger-data.h          |   57 ++
 src/modules/log/remote-device-serializer.c |  140 ++++
 src/modules/log/remote-device-serializer.h |   48 ++
 src/pulsecore/core.h                       |    2 +
 src/pulsecore/sink-input.c                 |   18 +
 src/pulsecore/sink-input.h                 |    5 +
 src/pulsecore/source-output.c              |   27 +-
 src/pulsecore/source-output.h              |    6 +
 14 files changed, 1753 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 src/modules/log/local-file-serializer.c
 create mode 100755 src/modules/log/local-file-serializer.h
 create mode 100755 src/modules/log/log-pcm-serializer.c
 create mode 100755 src/modules/log/log-pcm-serializer.h
 create mode 100755 src/modules/log/module-log-pcm.c
 create mode 100755 src/modules/log/pcm-logger-data.h
 create mode 100755 src/modules/log/remote-device-serializer.c
 create mode 100755 src/modules/log/remote-device-serializer.h


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