We lost one of our Swiki servers last month - it just kept crashing more and 
more often, and we couldn't figure out why.  We eventually simply took it 
off-line, and moved our necessary Swikis from that machine to another server.

Now, our main Swiki server, swiki.cc.gatech.edu, is crashing a couple times a 
day.  Below are some notes that our tech support folks just sent me.

Has anyone seen anything like this?  Any suggestions for debugging or even 


I had to restart the swiki.cc server software twice
today.  I searched for large XML files and they all seem to be less
than 10KB.

I did not find a debug.log file...just a LowSpaceDebug.log file.
Also, one symptom is that when the server is doing fine...the swiki.cc
squeak process seems to eat about 20% or less of the cpu.  But, when
it gets hosed it takes 100% cpu.  I used strace and it's spinning on
gettimeofday calls...but they are very slow....

gettimeofday({1223328462, 522789}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1223328462, 522876}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1223328462, 522936}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1223328462, 522991}, NULL) = 0

When I do the same strace call on coweb.cc, it's doing the same
gettimeofday calls but much, much more quickly.
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