
my name is Philipp Konrad, I am a computer science student, a young Python
programmer and researcher from Vienna, Austria.
My developer experience started around two years ago in Java, but half year
ago I was introduced to the Python world.
I want to contribute to the py or py.test project and can assign one
working day per week. Generally, I never have contributed
to an open source project, so I would need some help for my first steps.

   - 1. Where is a good point to start? Is there a good site with first
   steps, a manual or something similiar?
   - 2. Do you have special coding / testing guidelines/ 'code of conduct'
   additional to PEP8?
   - 3. In which domain do you need new people?
   - 3.1 Code new features
      - 3.2 Documentation
      - 3.3 Write unit and integration tests
      - 3.4 Translation
      - 3.5 Community work
   - 4. Is there an organizational structure  or hierachy that I should
   bear in mind?

Take care,
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