On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 16:48:06 +0200, Fabrizio Milo aka misto 
<mistob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello to every one.
> So I downloaded pycuda again after some times and installed it.
> I really really liked the new feature to download auto-magically the
> boost requirements. very very nice.

I figured--I recently gave a tutorial on PyOpenCL at SciPy'10 [1], and
'please get rid of @$...@#%@!! boost' was a rather frequent complaint.  So
I got to work, and it turned out that shipping the required part of
Boost is a pretty reasonable proposition--with the shipped boost bits,
the binary image only grows from 1 meg to 1.4 megs. (The source tarball
does grow by about a meg, but I figure that's fine.) I committed the same
boost-inclusion changes to PyCUDA about a week later.

[1] http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/tutorials.html#gpus

> Now what is missing to make it really a 'breeze' is the integration
> with pytools and perhaps py.test
> Pytools gave me some headhaches and with some punches I managed to install
> py.test you need to know that the magic words are:
> > pip install py

This is odd. When you say 'python setup.py install' or some such, these
dependencies should be automatically installed for you, unless your
system is broken, such as if you have both setuptools and distribute
installed. I've tried adding a check for this type of breakage to git.

> I think the new unittest2 framework would have most of the features of
> py.test and would be the official one also for py 2.7 if I recall
> right.

I like py.test because it uses clean, uncluttered test code. Plus I use
it for all my other software. I'm really not much in favor of ditching

> Plus I think there are some bugs for the macos version. Attached a
> patch from git HEAD

I've committed patch 1, patch 2 is incorrect and goes back to the same
Python dependency issues discussed above. The problem is that pytools
used to ship with its own broken copy of Michele Simionato's decorator
module. The proper way of going about this is to depend on the real
thing, which became a dependency recently and should be automatically
installed for you.


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