I'm trying to play some MP3 music, but the sound is mono and it
crackles. I guess because the OpenAL driver is used. Normally I'm
using Ubuntu 8.04 with ALSA audio drivers, but I can't set the audio
driver for pyglet (1.1) to 'alsa':

import pyglet
pyglet.options['audio'] = ('alsa')
from pyglet import media

raises the exception:

File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyglet/media/__init__.py", line
1345, in <module>
    raise ImportError('No suitable audio driver could be loaded.')

I've also tried 'import pyglet.media.avbin', but that doesn't work
Running info.py from the pyglet install directory shows:

driver: pyglet.media.drivers.openal

Library: <CDLL 'libavbin.so', handle 888bdb0 at 88f9c2c>
AVbin version: 6
FFmpeg revision: 13661

Library: <CDLL 'libopenal.so.0', handle 88ed170 at 850d9ec>
Version: (1, 0)

   weird vorbid_get

Somehow there is no mentioning of 'ALSA', which could be the problem.
How can I make pyglet use ALSA?

Thanks for any help.

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