Looks like you are updating the TextView buffer from other place different than 
the main thread, Gtk is thread aware but not thread safe, it can't handle GUI 
updates outside the main thread. What I've done is "watch" a variable in the 
child thread and update (in the main thread) the GUI if required.

you can use gtk.events_pending() in a loop to make sure the gui is not frozen 
when checking the child thread.

while True:
    # check_thread
    # update_gui
    while gtk.events_pending():

On May 22, 2013, at 6:50 AM, Petr Hracek <phra...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have following class and problem is that Thread is started but after a 
> short time it is something like paused.
> I could not find any reason why.
> GUI looks like Window -> Box -> Textview and Cancel Button in VBox widget.
> The aim is to open this window and run in thread some application and output 
> of that application will be logged in TextView widget
> Do you have any idea?
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> """
> Created on Wed Apr  3 13:16:47 2013
> @author: Petr Hracek
> """
> import sys
> import logging
> import mainWindow
> import pathWindow
> import argparse
> import threading
> from devassistant.logger import logger
> from gi.repository import Gtk
> from devassistant import path_runner
> from devassistant import exceptions
> class RunLoggingHandler(logging.Handler):
>    def __init__(self, textbuffer):
>        logging.Handler.__init__(self)
>        self.textbuffer = textbuffer
>    def emit(self, record):
>        text_iter = self.textbuffer.get_end_iter()
> self.textbuffer.insert(text_iter,"{0}\n".format(record.getMessage()))
> class ThreadDevAssistantClass(threading.Thread):
>    def __init__(self, runWin):
>        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>        self.runWin = runWin
>    def run(self):
>        self.tlh = RunLoggingHandler(self.runWin.textbuffer)
>        logger.addHandler(self.tlh)
>        path = 
> self.runWin.assistant.get_selected_subassistant_path(**self.runWin.parent.kwargs)
>        pr = path_runner.PathRunner(path, self.runWin.parent.kwargs)
>        try:
>            # This is not thread
>            pr.run()
>        except exceptions.ExecutionException as ex:
>            pass
> class runWindow(object):
>    def __init__(self,  parent, finalWindow, builder, assistant):
>        self.parent = parent
>        self.finalWindow = finalWindow
>        self.runWindow = builder.get_object("runWindow")
>        self.textViewLog = builder.get_object("textViewLog")
>        self.textbuffer = self.textViewLog.get_buffer()
>        self.textViewLog.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR)
>        self.assistant = assistant
>    def open_window(self, widget, data=None):
>        dirname, projectname = self.parent.pathWindow.get_data()
>        self.runWindow.show_all()
>    def visibility_event(self, widget, data=None):
>        logger.info("Visibility event")
>        thread = ThreadDevAssistantClass(self)
>        thread.start()
> On 05/16/2013 11:00 AM, Petr Hracek wrote:
>> Hi Timo,
>> thank it helps during the showing.
>> But I think that my way was wrong.
>> Let's say that I would like to run some command which takes 10minutes (like 
>> yum installation under Linux)
>> and I would like to track in TextView all actions.
>> I think that python thread would be needed, right?
>> How to solve that issues?
>> Or are there any other possibilities?
>> Best regards / S pozdravem
>> Petr Hracek
>> On 05/14/2013 10:22 AM, Timo wrote:
>>> Op 14-05-13 09:34, Petr Hracek schreef:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> I have a little bit simple question
>>>> In Glade3 I have GtkWindow object
>>>> with GtkButton and TextView widget.
>>>> What is my goal.
>>>> I would like to run some actions when all widgets (like TextView, 
>>>> GtkButton) are really visible.
>>>> It means when this condition is satisfied then some actions are run and 
>>>> output of that actions
>>>> are logged into TextView widget.
>>>> Actually now I could not find what event should be used for.
>>>> It should be some event of GtkWindow, right?
>>>> There are some events like visibility_event or show_event, ...
>>>> Any advises?
>>> You probable want the realize signal.
>>> window.connect("realize", on_realize)
>>> This will be called when the window is fully shown. This can also be used 
>>> for seperate widgets as it's a GtkWidget signal.
>>> Timo
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>> pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
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>> Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://faq.pygtk.org/
> -- 
> Best regards / S pozdravem
> Petr Hracek
> _______________________________________________
> pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
> http://www.daa.com.au/mailman/listinfo/pygtk
> Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://faq.pygtk.org/

Marco Antonio Islas Cruz

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Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://faq.pygtk.org/

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