On May 5, 2007, at 2:59 AM, Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:

> On 5/4/07, Matt Billenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 05:27:42PM -0700, Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
>>> On 5/4/07, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi, I have a pylons app which I want to spawn a long-running  
>>>> process
>>>> from.  While this process is running (might be an hour or so), I  
>>>> want
>>>> the page that kicked off this process to just display status (maybe
>>>> referesh ever 30 seconds or so)...  Does anyone have some  
>>>> pointers on
>>>> how this should be done or what packages I should be looking into?
>>> I've done this before, but not in Pylons.  Spawning a long running
>>> process or thread is fine.  Watch out for Paste because I think Ian
>>> put in some code to watch for runaway threads--it's probably fine.
>>> Use a timer and AJAX to have the Web page poll the server to see if
>>> the work is done.  (You could use Comet, but polling is probably  
>>> fine.
>>>  Ignore this statement if you don't know what I'm talking  
>>> about.)  In
>>> the best case, you can use a progress bar on the page.  Just work  
>>> your
>>> way through it; I'm sure you'll be fine.
>> Any recommendations on passing status between the worker thread  
>> and the
>> controller when it's polling?  I tried just using class variables,  
>> but
>> they don't seem to get updated between the threads...
> How were you updating the class variable?  ClassName.variable = "foo"?
>  If you do self.variable = "foo", you're shadowing the class variable.
>  By the way, naturally, watch out for race conditions.  Another option
> is to use the queue module and have the worker thread push messages
> onto the queue, and the controller can read messages from the queue.
> I tend to prefer message queues over explicit lock management.

I've found this threadpool implementation useful for a similar task:



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