I have a perplexing problem and I'm really hopping that there is a
setting or something stupid that I've missed.  Here is the issue, I
have an application most of my page data is coming from a postgres
database.  I've designed an admin interface which allows you to edit
the database, however, when I leave the admin interface and look at
the page as a normal user, I see old data, not the new data.  If I
look at the database directly with pgadmin the new data has been
entered.  I am using postgres, python 2.4 pylons 0.9.6 rc2.  Here is
some example code:

ini file:
sqlalchemy.default.url = postgres://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/epathology

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
form sqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper import assign_mapper
from sacontext import PylonsSAContext

sac = PylonsSAContext()
ctx = sac.session_context

table1 = Table('table1', sac.metadata, autoload=True)
class Table1(object):
assign_mapper(ctx, Table1, table1, extension=sac.ext)

to set data I do:
rec = model.Table1.get(id)
rec.someattribute = "new value"
rec.save()  # I has not been doing this initially, I just added this
to see if it would help, it did not

to get data I do:
data = model.rec.select()

This seems to work, however like I said when I edit the data more
often then not the application reflects old data, like its getting
data from a cache or using an old session to retrieve data from.  What
am I doing wrong? this is really frustrating.  Well thanks for any and
all help


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