I'm attempting an upgrade to 0.9.6 but cannot get Myghty running as the default 
template language. The doco on 
http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonsdocs/Using+Other+Template+Languages says 
that Myghty is not supported by the template_engine argument passed to 
config.init_app and refers to the 'extensive Config docs from the Pylons Module 
API' (the link is broken btw).

The extensive docs in pylons/configuration.py say :        

Example of changing the default template engine:

        .. code-block:: Python

            # In yourproj/middleware.py
            # ...
            config.init_app(global_conf, app_conf, package='yourproj')

            # Remove existing template engine
            old_default = config.template_engines.pop()

            # Load additional template engines
            kidopts = {'kid.assume_encoding':'utf-8', 'kid.encoding':'utf-8'}
            config.add_template_engine('kid', 'yourproj.kidtemplates', kidopts)

            # Add old default as additional engine

But this looks like it is out of date as init_app() is now called in 
environment.py. Adding Myghty using config.add_template_engine() fails firstly 

line 78, in __init__
    alias=e['alias'], **e['template_options'])
 line 75, in prepare
    '"%s" to use its functionality' % engine_name)
 pylons.templating.TemplateEngineMissing: Please install a plugin for "myghty" 
to use its functionality

when BuffetMyghty is installed it fails with :

 line 80, in prepare
 TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'options'

What is the correct way to get Myghty functioning as the default for 0.9.6?


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