Philip Cooper wrote:
> I've started using some Toscawidgets and everything looks fine so far.
>    OT: I've used them in TG and think that pylons should have some form 
> of the widgetbroser.

I have a prototype lying around somewhere which haven't released. This
is something in my TODO list...
> I even easy_installed twTinyMCE and it ran fine (haven't found docs or 
> examples on attributes or options thought).
> Has anyone used twTabber?  It looks like an MIA widget.


> I found the 
> project on the turbogears trac but was wondering if there is a reason 
> it's not "released" like twForms twTinyMCE twMochikit et. al.

No good reason really... I just haven't taken the time to do it.
> On a related issue, I use Mochikit for some asnyc stuff.  Mochikit is 
> built on Prototype and ${h.javascript_include_tag(builtins=True)} brings 
> in both prototype and scritaculous.  Anyone have practical experience on 
> how to limit all the reduddant js that starts flying around?

TW takes care of making sure js is not duplicated as long as all js is
wrapped in JSLinks. If you manually include <script> tags it can't
detect it yet. An experimental way I'm trying out using lxml to inject
<script> and <style> tags (as described in Ian's blog) could easily
check for dupes. However, it's not implemented yet.


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