I'm a little unclear on your goals, so the answer is yes and not
really. ;)

This refactoring will let the form validate as a decorator, and then
allow you to cause an error within your pylons function

@validate( blah )
def stuff( self ):
  # yay, form is valid
  if not record_in_database('foo'):
        c.form_errors['foo']= "nuh uh"
        return validation_error( self, form= '_password_change_print',
post_only= True )
  return "yay!"

However.. you can't validate a form within a function... at least i
don't think so.. i haven't tried to hack that.

I kind of want to make a another split on this functionality, so there
are 3 distinct tasks:

My ideal @validate would do this:

  valid= validate_form
  if not valid and auto_error:

validate_form - returns True/False on form validity
validate_error - causes the form to error at any point

With that in place, you have a VERY useful and extensible validation
system that can do just about anything. It might be possible to call
@validate within a controller method currently.  I honestly haven't
tried it.
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