
I am going to move all protect JavaScript files in controller.

class JsController(BaseController):
        def login(self,access_id):
              response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/
              return render('/js/login.js')

On Apr 23, 10:01 am, "Mike Orr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 8:32 AM, Jonathan Vanasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I think that the poster is trying to make the directories viewable
> >  only to people who have authenticated to the server --  a la .htaccess
> >
> >
> The public directory is served separately from the controllers -- it's
> served by 'static_app' in  So a controller-based
> authorization system cannot protect the public directory.  I can think
> of only two ways to do this, and neither would be simple for a
> beginner.
> 1) Use a middleware-based authentication system such as AuthKit or
> repoze.who.  You would also need to wrap 'static_app' in an
> authorization middleware, and I've never seen one of those for Pylons
> so you may have to write your own.  There may be one in AuthKit I
> haven't noticed.
> 2) Serve the static files inside the controllers.  There are two ways
> to do this.  One is to create a controller action that serves a
> directory of static files, using paste.urlpasrser.StaticURLParser.
> The other is to use StaticURLParser itself as a pseudo-controller.  I
> should make a HOWTO with the steps because I finally got this to work
> for some protected files I have, but not tonight.
> But the biggest question is, does your login page depend on any of
> these stylesheets or images?  If so, it won't look right if you
> protect them.  Likewise if your home page or any other page on the
> site is unprotected.
> The second question is, why do you want to protect them?  If you're
> trying to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them, protection
> makes sense.  But if you want to force authorized users to view them
> only embedded in an HTML page rather than directly -- you can't.  If
> the browser can download it to decorate an HTML page with, it can also
> display it directly.
> --
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