I have seen a number of times where people have setup
WSGIDaemonProcess directive to create daemon process groups, but then
forget to also setup WSGIProcessGroup directive in appropriate context
to delegate application to daemon process. That or if they do add
WSGIProcessGroup directive, they don't place it in correct context.

To verify, print out from WSGI environ dictionary the value of
'mod_wsgi.process_group' attribute.


On Oct 9, 12:27 am, "Dunk Fordyce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hrmmm i think there might of been some developer error or something because
> after changing the display-names everything seems to be working ok...
> perhaps something got confused.
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Dunk Fordyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > Hi thanks for the quick response,
> > What you would be best off doing is use mod_wsgi daemon mode to create
> >> separate daemon process groups to run each WSGI application (virtual
> >> host) within. That way they run in separate processes and can't
> >> interfere with each other.
> > We are actually running in daemon mode so I'm very confused! To make
> > absolutely sure about deamon mode I just changed the display-name of each
> > process and i can indeed see two different processes running.
> > Perhaps that signifies the problem lies elsewhere... altho as it runs with
> > paster serve so Im still without a clue
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