Hi James

To give you some context: I'm one of the developers of the MapFish
project. See http://www.mapfish.org. MapFish is a Pylons-based
framework for building web-mapping applications.

MapFish being based on Pylons, we're interested in Pylons itself,
SQLAlchemy and AuthKit.

AuthKit becoming central in MapFish, and if AuthKit lacks resources,
I'd personally be interested in being more involved its dev and


2008/11/6, James Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Eric,
> It isn't that it hasn't received any attention, rather that I need to
> be sure your patch won't break other functionality. I've released
> AuthKit 0.4.1 which mirrors the current trunk and started working on
> applying the patches but for the next week or two I'm going to be
> completely busy with the final proof-reads of the Pylons Book so I'm
> not going to be able to test your patch until then. If you know anyone
> who would like to help me maintain AuthKit I'd be happy to hear from
> them.
> Cheers,
> James
> On Nov 3, 9:18 am, "Eric Lemoine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 7:41 PM, Walter Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > A new version was released some weeks ago.. What's the issue of yor
>> > ticket?
>> Thanks for your response. Here's the ticket:
>> <http://authkit.org/trac/ticket/59>
>> --
>> Eric
> >

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