On Mar 6, 2009, at 2:34 PM, Ross Vandegrift wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> One of my app's primary functions is to speak SNMP to routers and
> switches.  This completely precludes the use of any Unicode -  
> something
> that's getting very frustrating in Python (not just Pylons!)
> I've got:
>     config['pylons.request_options']['charset'] = None
>    config['pylons.response_options']['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1'
> in my config/environment.py.
> But I still have request.params being passed up the stack with
> everything as Unicode.  Here's one example:
> UnicodeMultiDict([('location', u'2'), ('domain', u'2'), ('hostcount',
> u'6'), ('customer', u'a'), ('type', u'2'), ('description', u'a'),
> ('ttype', u'srt'), ('nexthop', u''), ('vlanmethod',
> u'auto'), ('vlan', u'0'), ('interface', u'Vlan99')])
> I didn't see this behavior until 0.9.7.  I've also tried setting
> config['pylons.request_options']['charset'] = "US-ASCII", but the data
> comes through the same.

This should work:

config['pylons.request_options']['charset'] = None

Maybe you don't have this line at the end of the environment.py? It  
should come after config.init_app

You can check request.charset later for what this is actually set to.  
Only the value of None should disable unicode (US-ASCII won't).

Philip Jenvey

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