On Aug 25, 2009, at 7:15 PM, Jamie wrote:

> It seems that most people who adopt a MVC framework are in love with
> the ORM stuff.  I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who insists on
> hand-writing my queries and sticking them in stored procedures?
> I guess it's because I come from a DBA/RDBMS development background
> and tend to make heavier use of the procedural logic available in a
> RDBMS, whereas most web developers use the DB purely as a bit bucket.
> I've tried to use a few ORMs, but have found them to be "too magical"
> and they get in the way of how I'm used to doing things.  (In fact the
> primary reason I've adopted Pylons is because I can use it without an
> ORM).  Is there any compelling reason why I should force myself to use
> SQLAlchemy?

Stored procedures' popularity have mostly waned because they're not  
portable across dbs

ORMs are a different issue entirely. I can understand having issue  
with ORMs for generating sub-standard schemas and queries. You  
shouldn't have that problem with SQLAlchemy -- it avoids being too  
magical and at heart its interests are aligned with yours as a DBA.  
The marketing material on its web page claiming it's 'dba approved'  
and 'unopinionated' is really true.

It's not just an ORM, it also provides a SQL expression layer. You can  
generate queries however you like them. You can also always fall back  
to sending raw SQL through SQLAlchemy, and can even generate mapped  
objects from their results. Also the core SQLAlchemy ORM follows the  
data mapper pattern for better separation between the application's  
object layer and the database layer.

If you're not planning to write everything as stored procedures it'll  
make your life as a DBA easier, not harder

Philip Jenvey

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