On Nov 10, 2009, at 7:33 AM, gsandorx wrote:

> Hi,
> When building egg packages, do I need to run the command “python
> setup.py bdist_egg” with every python executable corresponding to my
> desired supported versions? Doing so would require me to have virtual
> enviroments for at least 3 python versions (2.4, 2.5, 2.6), wouldn’t?
> Isn’t there an easy way?
> (I’m currently using python26)

Pretty much, but as Tom mentions you rare should need to do this, sdist should 
be enough. Otherwise I've done this on OS X using MacPorts installations of 
Python, which will install the non-default Python as python2.x. Then I've just 
ran python setup.py bdist_egg, python2.3 setup.py bdist_egg, etc

Philip Jenvey

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