On Nov 13, 2009, at 1:02 PM, percious wrote:

> If you are from the US, you may be familiar with the custom of racing
> to your local commercialization hub before the sun rises and beating
> your fellow man over the head to get that cute little fifi doll your
> daughter wants for christmas.  This endeavor is often fueled by the
> previous day’s binge on tryptophan-laced poultry.
> TurboGears wants you to know there _is_ an alternative to this ruckus
> behavior.  While it may not offer a method of transference of the
> latest flu virus strain, you may come hang out with the leaders of our
> community on irc://#turboge...@irc.freenode.net . and ask questions
> and help your fellow man.  In the spirit of thanksgiving, you may
> decide it would be good to return the 1000s of lines of code
> contributed by helping us document that mess*!
> November 27, 2009 starting around 9am MST, ending when Chris passes
> out, we will convene and work on the 134 todo items left in our
> documentation.  If some of you are near Denver/Boulder, CO that day, I
> would be happy to organize an on-site meetup, please let me know.  So,
> the day after thanksgiving, why not act gluttonous for one more day
> (with your writing) and lets see if we cant close another 60 todo
> Items as we did on the last doc push.  Be you an advanced super 37173
> user, or someone completely new to TG, we have got something for you
> to do!  Lets work together to make the formal 2.1 release of TG the
> best yet so far, with the highest level of completed documentation
> evar!

Plus I hear those 134 todo items are 20% off and include a free tote bag*

* Only to the first 25 customers. Offer not valid in Bavaria.

Philip Jenvey

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