There was a brief discussion about the controllers in April:

I use multiple controllers.  My database schema (and form schemas) are
in my models directory.  My Controllers generally segregate
functionality that is 'similar' and corresponds to the RESTful url layout, which is how
I think things were intended.  I do put in my own route specifically
to direct things to a root controller as well.

For templates, I populate tmpl_context.variable and use that within
the Template.  I try to keep as much logic in the controller as
possible, but, I have resorted to some logic in templates in the
past.  Someone once said, MVC is knowing when you need to use logic in
the View.  Mako (and other template languages) have the capability,
but, I try to use it as a last resort.  I do value the fact that I can
put code in the template if I need to.  I have dealt with template
languages that have not allowed me to set a variable which results in
doing a lot of data manipulation with a non-ORM'ed SQL result prior to
sending it to the template.

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