On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 01:42:04AM +0400, Andrey Popp wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:09:36PM -0800, Mike Orr wrote:
> > Second, how can I generate URLs to resources without loading the objects
> > through this interface?  The home page queries the 30 most recent incidents
> > and displays links to them.  request.resource_url() requires a resource
> > object, but the home page or browse pages query the database directly and 
> > get
> > plain ORM objects rather than location-aware ones.  I could make the URLs
> > manually but that sucks. I could somehow get the "incident" resource and
> > append the ID, or get the root resource and append "incident" and the ID, 
> > but
> > that's not much better.
> That's interesting question. I'm thinking of the following construct:
>   1. Make your resource graph lazy, e.g. producing only proxies which only
>   knows its location (pk in database in case of SQLAlchemy) and how to load
>   itself (table and parent resources, which impose some query constraints or
>   JOIN clauses).
>   2. Reuse your resource graph in pyramid's traversal engine and in your home
>   page view:
>     def homepage():
>       entries_ids = db.entries_ids_for_homepage()
>       entries = [root["entries"][id] for id in entries_ids]
>   So you get ``entries`` list of location-aware Entry objects which are loaded
>   only if you access their fields, but not __name__ or __parent__ which allows
>   you to generate URL for them w/o any overhead.

If someone is still interested in this approach, I've implemented[1]
sqlalchemy.Query.lazy_get(ident) method which works that way. My use-case is
different -- to allow User object to be attached on request without touching
database (user id is encoded in authc cookie), but I think it should work for
constructing lazy resource graph as well.

Implementation based on SQLAlchemy mailing list post[2]. 

[1]: https://gist.github.com/77eb31670a1842f301c2
[2]: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/sqlalchemy/DvofQn6uVI4

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