Hello list,

I don't know exactly how to report 2 related "overlap" problems I've recently encountered, and maybe it's not even the right list to report them. But even then, it's relevant to Pyramid.

These problems started to appear when I created a second Pyramid project under an existing virtualenv. The two Pyramid projects are called "foo" and "bar". Each or them uses SQLAlchemy table inheritance, on two distinct PostgreSQL databases, i.e. :

- A common e-commerce module provides a base class "Article", attached to a table. This represents a generic article in the catalogue.

- The "foo" module provides a class "FooArticle", which inherits from "Article". This creates to 2 linked tables, "article" and "foo_article", in Pg database "foo".

- Similarly, the "bar" module provides a class "BarArticle" which also inherits from "Article". This creates 2 tables, "article" and "bar_article", in Pg database "bar".

- To make code more legible, the two classes "FooArticle" and "BarArticle" are always used under the alias "Article" in their respective projects (the parent class "Article" is never used directly), i.e.:

  from foo.models import FooArticle as Article


  from bar.models import BarArticle as Article


Overlap #1: SQLAlchemy maps the wrong class to the returned data :

I assume this is because the classes bear the same names (or aliases) in the two distinct projects :

$ cd foo
$ pshell development.ini

In [1]: from foo.models import *

In [2]: Article
Out[2]: foo.models.article.FooArticle

In [3]: print Session.query(Article)
SELECT [...]
FROM article JOIN foo_article ON article.id = foo_article.id

In [4]: a = Session.query(Article).first()

In [5]: a
Out[5]: <BarArticle id=19844>

In that example, "Article" is an alias of "FooArticle", which is confirmed by [2]. The generated SQL query interrogates the right tables, as shown by [3]. But the object returned by [4] should be an instance of FooArticle, not BarArticle [5]!


Overlap #2: Supervisord picks the wrong gunicorn_paster script

It happens even when the two projects are moved to separate virtualenvs. I've been obliged to replace it with daemontools, temporarily or permanently.

For instance, with the line below:

command = /projects/venv2/bin/gunicorn -w 4 --paste /projects/venv2/bar/bar/production.ini

supervisord incorrectly launches /projects/venv1/bin/gunicorn...

This is totally illogical... :(


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