Okay, I get that bit now, and coded it up, but when I go to render it, I 
use the pyramid.renderers.render object but obviously it ends up 
downloading a corrupted file because it's not even in PDF format. 

So does reportlab have something to take that html/css and paint it to a 
Canvas or something?

The overall idea here is that I was hoping to be able to define how I want 
the PDF output to look at by using CSS.

    if pdf:
        # I need to build the Response object myself
        from pyramid.renderers import render
        from pyramid.response import Response

        result = render('frontend:templates/student_pyp_report.pt',

        response = Response(
            content_disposition="attachment; filename={}.pdf".format("test"
            content_type = "application/pdf",

        return response

        return dict(
            report= report,


On Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 5:59:38 PM UTC+8, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> On 25 Jan 2015, at 07:37, Adam Morris <adam....@igbis.edu.my <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> I have a view that serves up a page that whose template/css contain both 
> define screen and print media. Which means the view's renderer provides a 
> page that serves up html that is formatted for the browser (screen media) 
> and if the user prints it formatted for the page (the print media). The CSS 
> that does this is:
>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="${static_url}css/reports.css" 
> media="screen">
>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="${static_url}css/reports_pdf.css" 
> media="print">
> I want to add a view that returns a FileResponse, as rendered by the print 
> media, so that particular location results in a download of that PDF, but I 
> don't want to repeat code.
> I don't want to serve a static asset, I want the PDF to be dynamically 
> created.
> Any ideas on how to tackle this best?
> Here is an example: 
> https://github.com/wichert/checking/blob/master/src/checking/invoice.py#L306
> The basic approach is: generate your data (in this case the PDF file), 
> create a response object using your data, set the right headers for it and 
> return it from your view.
> Wichert.

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