On Monday, January 6, 2020 at 4:03:19 PM UTC-5, Kate Boelhauf wrote:
> This is insanely helpful - thank you Michael.  I'm going to pass the 
> dbsession into the class method for now but look into a service layer.  

A few years ago I adopted the pattern of passing Pyramid's `request` object 
into all class methods - and pretty much everything else - as the first 
argument representing the "context".  From that, I can grab my active core 
database session via `request.dbsession`.  If I need to override with an 
explicit dbSession, I pass in a dbsession kwarg or will inspect the object 
using `sqlalchemy.orm.object_session(user)` as Michael suggested.

At one point I passed in the dbSession, but I found myself with a chunks of 
code that expected a dbSession and chunks that expected a request.  
Standardizing everything to a request saved a lot of headaches down the 
line for me.


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