Well practically speaking the opposite superimpositions are not  
performed in the same fashion. Lets take 1ONE and 2ONE as an example,  
2 different conformations of the same molecule. Since the aa  
composition is identical (at least from what I've seen the chains have  
the same length), I measured the distances between Ca atoms of 1ONE  
and 2ONE after "align 1ONE and chain A, 2ONE and chain A", and the  
respective distances after "align 2ONE and chain A, 1ONE and chain A".  
The RMSD is 0.230642045187 which implies that the 2 chains are not in  
relative positions after 1ONEx2ONE and 2ONEx1ONE. Here's the function  
I 've written to do that:

# a function to measure Ca distances of oposite pairs of superimpossed  
chains (the proteins must have the same aa composition)
def check_for_symmetry(tstruct, qstruct):
     # align the pair
     cmd.extract(pdb2entry[tstruct]+"1", tstruct + " and chain "+  
pdb2entry[tstruct][-1:] + " and not hetatm")
     cmd.extract(pdb2entry[qstruct]+"1", qstruct +" and chain "+  
pdb2entry[qstruct][-1:] + " and not hetatm")
     print "Aligning "+pdb2entry[tstruct]+"1"+" with "+pdb2entry[qstruct]+"1"
     cmd.align(pdb2entry[tstruct]+"1", pdb2entry[qstruct]+"1")
     #cmd.do("cealign "+pdb2entry[qstruct]+"1, "+pdb2entry[tstruct]+"1")
     # align the symmetric pair
     cmd.extract(pdb2entry[tstruct]+"2", tstruct + " and chain "+  
pdb2entry[tstruct][-1:] + " and not hetatm")
     cmd.extract(pdb2entry[qstruct]+"2", qstruct +" and chain "+  
pdb2entry[qstruct][-1:] + " and not hetatm")
     print "Aligning "+pdb2entry[qstruct]+"1"+" with "+pdb2entry[tstruct]+"1"
     cmd.align(pdb2entry[qstruct]+"2", pdb2entry[tstruct]+"2")
     #cmd.do("cealign "+pdb2entry[qstruct]+"2, "+pdb2entry[tstruct]+"2")
     # measure distances
     pymol.stored.protein_dict = {}
     cmd.iterate(pdb2entry[tstruct]+"1", "stored.protein_dict[(chain,resi)]=1")
     Residues = pymol.stored.protein_dict.keys()
     RMSD = 0
     for res in Residues:
         chain = res[0]
         resi = res[1]
         dist1 = cmd.distance('tmp',pdb2entry[tstruct]+"1 and chain  
"+chain+" and resi "+resi+" and name ca",pdb2entry[qstruct]+"1 and  
chain "+chain+" and resi "+resi+" and name ca")
         dist2 = cmd.distance('tmp',pdb2entry[tstruct]+"2 and chain  
"+chain+" and resi "+resi+" and name ca",pdb2entry[qstruct]+"2 and  
chain "+chain+" and resi "+resi+" and name ca")
         print "The difference in distance betweem residue IDs ",  
resi," is : ",dist1, "-",dist2," = ",dist1-dist2
         RMSD += (dist1-dist2)**2
     RMSD = sqrt(RMSD/len(Residues))
     print "RMSD of distances between identical residues in 1ONE x  
2ONE and this in 2ONE x 1ONE: ", RMSD

check_for_symmetry("1ONE", "2ONE")

PS: Jason, I suspect the same happens with CEalign although I couldn't  
manage to run it for technical reasons, but by looking at the  
transformation matrices produced by the stand-alone version, the  
translation vectors are not opposite.

> Hi Thomas,
> Say, the first system is x and the second y, where y=R(x+s) is the
> first transformation. Then the reverse transformation follows as
> y   = R(x + s)
> y   = Rx + Rs
> Rx = y - Rs
> x   = t(R)(y-Rs)
> Note that that is also equal to: x = t(R)y - s
> Hope it helps,
> Tsjerk
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Thomas Evangelidis  
> <te8...@mbg.duth.gr> wrote:
>> Dear pymol users,
>> I noticed something strange when superimposing 2 opposite pairs of
>> chains. E.g.
>> DEBUG: template  1BQG_A  query  2MUC_A
>> Query Transformation:
>>         X2 = +0.86747*(X1+2.29751) + -0.49574*(Y1+60.99794) +
>> -0.04181*(Z1+64.71239)
>>         Y2 = -0.49701*(X1+2.29751) + -0.85983*(Y1+60.99794) +
>> -0.11697*(Z1+64.71239)
>>         Z2 = +0.02204*(X1+2.29751) + +0.12225*(Y1+60.99794) +
>> -0.99226*(Z1+64.71239)
>> DEBUG: template  2MUC_A  query  1BQG_A
>> Query Transformation:
>>         X2 = +0.86747*(X1+30.95128) + -0.49701*(Y1+61.15895) +
>> +0.02204*(Z1+56.70381)
>>         Y2 = -0.49574*(X1+30.95128) + -0.85983*(Y1+61.15895) +
>> +0.12225*(Z1+56.70381)
>>         Z2 = -0.04181*(X1+30.95128) + -0.11697*(Y1+61.15895) +
>> -0.99226*(Z1+56.70381)
>> Although looking at the rotation matrices one is the transpose of the
>> other, the translation vectors are not opposite. Can someone explain
>> that?
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> --
> Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
> Junior UD (post-doc)
> Biomolecular NMR, Bijvoet Center
> Utrecht University
> Padualaan 8
> 3584 CH Utrecht
> The Netherlands
> P: +31-30-2539931
> F: +31-30-2537623

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