Lock'a Mail wrote:
It's not clear to me how webob would benefit us. I mean, I see that we are getting Request and Response objects, but these seem simple enough to code in literally an hour or two. Maybe you could go into more detail as to what you see is the benefit and how it may be used (I know you said you are writing some example code, but maybe you could just outline it in an email?)

Didn't I do this in my previous mail about code reuse? ;-) Maybe read the documentation of it and in fact it's maybe not that simple:


So it supports quite a bit (e.g. defines all the possible HTTP exceptions), has full test coverage, is well known in the community, is in production use.

For me that's enough. And even if it's just an hour I personally would still reuse an existing component which seems to do the job just fine.

(I also doubt the 1-2 hour if you write documentation and tests and take
those things into account you might have forgotten in the first run. I had projects enough where I thought 1-2 hours and ended up spending days to do it properly.).

Code of it is here: http://svn.pythonpaste.org/Paste/WebOb/trunk/webob/

BTW, as it supports WSGI it might also be very handy to have when implementing RHTTP as Donovan's implementation also makes use of WSGI, which IMHO makes sense.

-- Christian

Christian Scholz wrote:
Speaking of reuse, here is a component I would like to propose for the networking layer: webob.

What we probably need to do with such a networking layer is to pass a request and get a response back. This holds things like headers, method, content-type and so on.

So instead of implementing our own generic Request and Response objects I suggest to use webob which basically gives you all that. It seems pretty complete and is a rather small package. Moreover it also provides WSGI support should this be needed (I would need it for my idea of testing things without having a server to run). There is also quite some documentation about it here:


The author is Ian Bicking who is a well known Python expert and one of the driving forces behind WSGI.

I am planning to code a little example on a branch which will use it.

Please discuss! :-)

-- Christian

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