So I've been mulling it over, and philosophical concerns aside, I'd like to think about the practical impacts of the architectural decisions we made a month ago.

We've chosen to include components in pyogp that the group is finding challenging to work with. Tao spends a lot of time describing how things need to be done to work in the framework, and we aren't collectively moving forward as quickly as we could due to uncertainty on how to do things. I am concerned that the code will become a maintenance issue down the road. I'm also concerned pyogp won't be an accessible code base to open source devs, or Linden Lab devs themselves. It hasn't proven itself to be so yet...

Issues challenging us will settle as we solve them, but that doesn't solve accessibility and maintenance concerns I have.

The primary goal we have is to test OGP enabled grids; the agent domain, region domain, sims, etc. We do this by building a client library and test suite. It seems to me that we've made it more challenging for the participants involved so far than in necessary.

I'm just thinking here. It's not too late to refactor back to a simpler world. We lose some measure of flexibility and formality, but these can be regained later if it's fitting. I think we would gain development speed, accessibility, and maintainability, and ultimately more functional code faster.

Thought I'd throw this out before the get together tomorrow. I do appreciate and admire the work and the contributors. I just am feeling troubled by how things are going, and want to do right by our time and efforts...

Thoughts would be appreciated.




Enus Linden aka Aaron Terrell

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