I thought I could mention here, fwiw and from a python head out here in the
aether, that the project pretty much lost me as a potential contributor with
the architectural decisions. The time I can spend on any particular open
source project is weighed heavily against the curve of learning the "way" of
it. There is only so much time I can put into non-paying work. Plain old
python I have been with for years but I just don't have time or inclination
to adapt to a bunch of other ways of doing things unless there is a very
compelling reason to do so. A bonus is if I can apply that "way" to my
regular work and none of these particular components offer that that I can

Anyway, I, for one, do hope things get back to basics as I would very much
like to contribute and wanted to mention it as a case for attracting other
bodies that was mentioned in a couple of other posts in this thread.

best regards

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Meadhbh S. Hamrick (Infinity Linden) <

> I should chime in here as I'm probably the lead instigator in the "this is
> getting unnecessarily  complicated" wing of the PyOGP project.
> For the most part, i'm going to stay out of discussions re: the values of
> ZCA, webob, grok, buildout, etc. They are all great projects.
> However...
> Right now, it seems there's not enough "there" there in PyOGP to justify
> placing a ZCA, buildout, webob, grok based infrastructure around it. If we
> can't use "plain ol' python" to code a simple library to manage connections,
> send and receive messages, then there's something seriously wrong with
> Python, OGP or the world in general.
> Fortunately, I don't think we can't use "plain ol' python" to build our
> components, and then add a zope framework around it. Er... which is a round
> about way of saying...
> 1. we can use "plain ol' python" to build our core library
> 2. we can code to interfaces without Zope or ZCA
> 3. we don't even need to eggify the code in order to demonstrate it running
> 4. eggification, buildout, ZCA, webob and grok are all useful, and can be
> integrated at a later date
> and
> 5. at the moment, I think it's advantageous to use only those bits of
> python that ship with 2.4 (or even 2.3) to demonstrate working code. Then
> add eggification, buildout, ZCA, webob and grok.
> Also... I would like to thank Tao / CS / MrTopf for being available to
> dispel a number of misconceptions i had about these components and about the
> structure of the source tree.
> And with that... I'm going to shut up and go write some more code.
> -Cheers
> -meadhbh / infinity
> On Jul 24, 2008, at 10:27 PM, Enus Linden wrote:
> So I've been mulling it over, and philosophical concerns aside, I'd like to
> think about the practical impacts of the architectural decisions we made a
> month ago.
> We've chosen to include components in pyogp that the group is finding
> challenging to work with. Tao spends a lot of time describing how things
> need to be done to work in the framework, and we aren't collectively moving
> forward as quickly as we could due to uncertainty on how to do things. I am
> concerned that the code will become a maintenance issue down the road. I'm
> also concerned pyogp won't be an accessible code base to open source devs,
> or Linden Lab devs themselves. It hasn't proven itself to be so yet...
> Issues challenging us will settle as we solve them, but that doesn't solve
> accessibility and maintenance concerns I have.
> The primary goal we have is to test OGP enabled grids; the agent domain,
> region domain, sims, etc. We do this by building a client library and test
> suite. It seems to me that we've made it more challenging for the
> participants involved so far than in necessary.
> I'm just thinking here. It's not too late to refactor back to a simpler
> world. We lose some measure of flexibility and formality, but these can be
> regained later if it's fitting. I think we would gain development speed,
> accessibility, and maintainability, and ultimately more functional code
> faster.
> Thought I'd throw this out before the get together tomorrow. I do
> appreciate and admire the work and the contributors. I just am feeling
> troubled by how things are going, and want to do right by our time and
> efforts...
> Thoughts would be appreciated.
> thanks
> enus
> ---------
> Enus Linden aka Aaron Terrell
> sl: http://secondlife.com
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